Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Let's Get Zombified!!

On October 27, 2012 we'll be dressing up as zombies.  Why you ask?!  Well, we will be performing at the Zombie Survival Dash in Robertsville, MO!!

"What on Earth is a Zombie Survival Dash?" you ask??  (Man you ask a lot of questions.)  Well, it is a 5k marathon filled with mud, obstacles and of course... zombies.  Here are details straight from their web site at

You are provided a flag belt with 3 “flags” or health at the beginning of the race. You wear the belt through the race, and the zombies are tasked with removing those health… Lose all 3 and you’re dead! (Sure, you can still finish the race, but you must have at least 1 health left to be counted amongst the survivors!) As you make your way through the woods, you never know at what point you’ll be attacked – Heck, you don’t even know WHAT might attack! Is that corpse laying on the ground over there really a corpse? Or might it sit up and stumble after you at any moment? You might run into a small out-break, or find yourself surrounded by a dozen attacking dead as soon as you turn the corner…
The point here is that you’ll need more than just your speed to survive. Just like in the movies, you’ll need your brains if you wish to make it to the finish line as a survivor.

There is an all-day "After Party" going on as well... which is where we come into play.  There will be food, drinks, live music (obviously) and games such as grenade tossing, body bag dragging, zombie sharp shooting, etc.  If you'd like to get involved as a part of team "Dance Floor Riot" you can by clicking here:
Make sure you choose team "dance floor riot" and then enter the code DANCEFLOORRIOT for an instant $10 off the registration fee!!

As if this event isn't cool enough on its own, we decided to spice it up a little bit... we have taken our most recent DFR t-shirt and "zombified" it for this one show only!!  We will only have a limited number of these rare shirts and they will be available to our team runners first.  Once you sign up, please contact us at to let us know what size you'd like to order.  We'd love to be represented at the 5k in a MAJOR way, so we hope to see a sea of DFR zombie shirts at the marathon!!  Whatever shirts we don't sell before the race, we will be selling at the race after our performance.  The shirts will be $15 each, or $17 if paying by CC.

Use your brains now (while you still have them) and sign up on team DFR!!  We look forward to seeing you all there... we just hope some of you make it out alive.